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HomeRenewablesAutumn StatementAutumn Statement: Will there be energy bill support?

Autumn Statement: Will there be energy bill support?

As anticipation builds for the Autumn Statement, scheduled later today, a proposal has emerged, revealing plans for the government to provide households with £1,000 in exchange for agreeing to have pylons installed in their local areas.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is set to reveal the government’s fiscal strategies in the House of Commons at approximately 12:30 GMT.

Anticipated measures include a reduction in National Insurance, impacting millions of employed individuals and the extension of a £10 billion annual tax relief for businesses.

Additionally, Mr Hunt will outline changes to benefits catering to individuals with long term health conditions or disabilities.

Additional financial incentives for community projects, such as improvements to healthcare services and road infrastructure are also part of the proposed scheme.

The energy infrastructure initiative has sparked opposition from campaigners who argue that assistance should be based on need rather than geographical location.

Matt Copeland, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at National Energy Action, said: “This would be unconscionable. To give support based on geography, rather than need, would create a huge postcode lottery and leave millions of households cold at home this winter..

“Surely that is not a desirable outcome for any government.”

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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