Monday, July 8, 2024
Energy Transition Outlook Report 2023
HomeRenewablescarbon dioxide emissionsHeat pump sales fall 5% amid EU action plan delay

Heat pump sales fall 5% amid EU action plan delay

Heat pump sales in 14 European nations fell by approximately 5% in 2023, contrasting with previous years’ growth.

This decline has led to job cuts by manufacturers, affecting nearly 3,000 workers.

Despite some countries seeing slight growth, the overall market contraction raises concerns about meeting EU climate and energy targets.

Delays in the EU’s Heat Pump Action Plan add to uncertainties amidst changing national policies and economic conditions.

Thomas Nowak, Secretary General at the European Heat Pump Association, said: “The heat pump sector is facing stormy weather and needs all hands on deck.

“Companies have invested in training and manufacturing capacity and consumers are on board. What’s now vital is a compass in the form of the EU Heat Pump Action Plan and subsequent national plans. These will steady the waters.

“If Europe is serious about supporting net zero industries, decarbonising, and achieving greater energy independence, it can not afford to delay. A proper action plan shows voters that EU policymakers have their back. The longer we wait, the more challenging the decarbonisation of heating and cooling will be.”

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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