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HomeRenewablesdecarbonisationHeat pump supplier slams gas boiler replacement plans

Heat pump supplier slams gas boiler replacement plans

A heat pump supplier has raised significant objections to the Scottish Government‘s proposal to replace gas boilers in Scotland.

The Scottish Government is set to introduce an overhaul of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings to prioritise green heating systems, such as heat pumps, over gas boilers.

As a result, properties with gas boilers are expected to receive lower ratings, while those with alternative heating systems, including heat pumps are likely to fare better in the new EPC ratings.

However, Lord Willie Haughey has emphasised potential challenges, expressing reservations about the suitability of heat pumps in the region’s cold climate.

Lord Willie Haughey argued that heat pumps’ efficiency declines considerably in sub-zero temperatures and may lead to an increase in electricity consumption, consequently resulting in higher energy bills for homeowners.

During last winter, parts of Scotland experienced temperatures as low as -15°C (5°F), and the country holds records for the UK’s lowest temperature, reaching -27.2°C (-17°F) in 1982 and 1995.

Lord Haughey pointed out that certain heat pump units can malfunction at temperatures of -5°C (23°F).

The limitations of heat pumps’ heating capacity, such as heating water only up to 54°C (129.2°F), also fall short of the 60°C recommended by the Health and Safety Executive to control legionella bacteria, according to Lord Haughey.

Lord Haughey said: “I have a heat pump company and following Patrick Harvie’s announcement, I should really be jumping for joy.

“But the truth of the matter is that heat pumps don’t work as efficiently in Scotland as they do in other countries.”

A recent poll conducted by WWF Scotland in collaboration with Survation surveyed 2,026 participants, revealing that over half of Scots are in favour of the Scottish Government’s plan.

Additionally, 40% of respondents expressed their willingness to consider installing heat pumps as an alternative to fossil fuel boilers within the next five years, while 57% indicated they would adopt heat pumps with either partial or no government support.

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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