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HomeRenewablesEDFHigh Court rules Sizewell C nuclear plant approval legal

High Court rules Sizewell C nuclear plant approval legal

The High Court has ruled that the approval of the Sizewell C nuclear plant is lawful.

This decision comes after the campaign group Together Against Sizewell C (TASC) challenged the government’s failure to assess the environmental impact of the project in Suffolk.

The court dismissed TASC’s claims, with Judge David Holgate emphasising that the government’s policy of promoting a mix of solar, wind and nuclear power was neither artificial nor unlawfully limiting.

The judge further stated that it is not the role of the court or claimants to rewrite government policy or undermine its core objectives.

Despite this decision, TASC has expressed disappointment and vowed to continue their efforts to oppose the project.

TASC Chairperson Jenny Kirtley said: “Naturally, TASC is disappointed, but this verdict does not signal the end of our efforts.

“Together with our lawyers we are examining all possible options open to us and can promise our supporters that in one form or another, this campaign will continue. The Suffolk Heritage Coast cannot be sacrificed for such an unnecessary and inappropriate development and we will examine every avenue of opposition until all are exhausted.”

In reaction to the High Court’s ruling on Sizewell C, Tom Greatrex, Chief Executive of the Nuclear Industry Association, said: “We’re heartened to see this ruling: Sizewell C is absolutely vital to UK energy security and it will be one of the greenest infrastructure projects in our history.

“It will generate enough clean power for six million homes for a quarter of square mile of land, all while creating thousands of skilled jobs right across the country. That is exactly what we need right now.”

Energy Live News has reached out to EDF and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero for comment.

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