Monday, July 8, 2024
Energy Transition Outlook Report 2023
HomeRenewableselectricity transmissionOfgem “disappointed” by transmission timeline delays

Ofgem “disappointed” by transmission timeline delays

The UK energy regulator has expressed disappointment over delays in the transmission timeline, following a request from National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) and National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) for an extension.

Ofgem has approved an extension to the timeline set out in the original Letter of Support for the Two Step Process.

This extension includes a shift in the clock-start to 1st March, for all connection applications received between 27th November 2023 and 29th February 2024.

The decision comes amidst concerns over the original timelines not being met and the effectiveness of the Two Step Process being impacted by an unprecedented volume of new applications to connect to the transmission system.

The initial support of Ofgem in February 2023 allowed for a time-limited Two Step Process, wherein NGET and NGESO could issue connection offers in two steps.

Step 1 offered an interim offer to the connecting party, while Step 2 provided all the details normally included in a connection offer.

However, the expectation of improved connection dates between Step 1 and Step 2 offers has not materialised as anticipated.

With NGESO and NGET receiving over 500 applications through the Two Step Process, representing more than 150GW of new applications, significant challenges have arisen.

These include provisions for substantial new reinforcement works, such as new overhead lines and substations, exceeding what was anticipated in NGESO’s network plan.

As a result, most customers would receive offers with later connection dates than initially expected.

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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