Monday, July 8, 2024
Energy Transition Outlook Report 2023
HomeRenewablescarbon dioxide emissionsRecycled food powers UK homes

Recycled food powers UK homes

Last year, Essex provided over 37,000 tonnes of food waste, contributing to the power supply of 6,310 homes across the UK for a year.

To facilitate food recycling, Essex County Council has distributed stickers, food caddy liners and informational leaflets to more than 350,000 households in participating areas.

These resources aim to educate residents on which food items can be recycled, contributing to the council’s goal of reusing, recycling, or composting at least 70% of waste generated by residents by 2030.

Councillor Peter Schwier, Essex County Council’s Climate Czar and Cabinet member for Environment, Waste, Reduction and Recycling, said: “By putting food out in their designated recycling bins, households are helping to generate green energy and reducing the damage to our environment.

“Small actions can make a big difference and together we can tackle climate change to benefit generations to come.”

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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