Saturday, July 27, 2024
Energy Transition Outlook Report 2023
HomeRenewablesAssociation for Renewable Energy and Clean TechnologyConcerns over government’s gas power station plans

Concerns over government’s gas power station plans

The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean Technology (REA) has criticised the government’s plans to back the construction of new gas power stations, citing concerns over the lack of carbon capture measures.

This move, according to the REA, could jeopardise the UK’s targets for decarbonising power by 2035.

Director of Policy at REA, Frank Gordon, highlighted the disappointment in the government’s decision, emphasising the potential consequences of further reliance on fossil fuel imports.

Frank Gordon said: “While the CCC do state that running unabated gas for 2% of the time by the mid-2030s will technically be compliant with net zero trajectories, it begs the question of why to build them in the first place when there are viable alternatives that could be utilised more.

“They will be expensive backups that could just as easily be provided by green options, including bioenergy with carbon capture; a considerable expansion in biogas and electrolytic (clean) hydrogen; alongside an ambitious energy efficiency programme and ramping up the use of energy storage and other flexible technologies.

“The misguided argument that building new unabated fossil fuel gas plants will be the answer to the energy security crisis – caused by our reliance on this exact energy source – is short sighted and does not face up to the very real challenges the UK will face should net zero targets not be met.”

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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