Monday, July 8, 2024
Energy Transition Outlook Report 2023
HomeRenewablescarbon emissionsSSE granted consent for 125MW wind farm in the Scottish Highlands

SSE granted consent for 125MW wind farm in the Scottish Highlands

SSE Renewables has secured consent for a 125MW onshore wind farm in the Scottish Highlands.

The Cloiche Wind Farm will consist of 29 turbines that will generate enough renewable energy to power more than 150,000 homes every year.

The wind farm, which will be located adjacent to the operational Stronelairg Wind Farm and Glendoe Hydroelectric Scheme, is also expected to help offset more than 190,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually,

The project site is in an area of peatland affected by extreme erosion, resulting in the ongoing emission of stored carbon dioxide – SSE renewables plans to undertake long term restoration of extensive areas of degraded peatland.

Heather Donald, Director of Onshore Development and Construction said: “We welcome the decision made by the Scottish Government to grant consent for Cloiche Wind Farm. Onshore wind projects like Cloiche are critical to delivering the net zero transition and have an essential role to play in decarbonising the UK’s energy supply.

“As well as delivering significant environmental benefits, Cloiche Wind Farm is also expected to deliver an economic dividend to the Highlands, in the same way that other significant renewables projects in the Great Glen have brought hundreds of millions of pounds in socio-economic benefit to the region.

“We look forward to Cloiche Wind Farm bringing the same level of long-term economic benefits to businesses and communities across the Great Glen and the wider Highland region, while delivering the homegrown green energy we need and supporting our transition to net zero.”

Energy Live News
Energy Live News
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